Tuesday, January 24, 2012

#10. Some Explicit Polaroids

So I auditioned for Brown Box Theatre Project's Some Explicit Polaroids.

And I got cast as Tim, the nihilist with AIDS.

It's going to be absolutely awesome.

Get yer tickets.

No headshots remain.

#9. Casting Companies in Boston

I did that thing where you send headshots and a cover letter to casting companies so they know you and tell you about auditions and stuff.

These are the dudes I sent my stuff to.

1. C.P. Casting. I don't know if it was totally necessary, because I know these guys have my stuff from the last and only time I auditioned for them. But I figured I'd be courteous enough to include them in my mailing. I have heard no response from them, but I am on their mailing list. I'll probably need to take an acting class with them before I get noticed.

2. Boston Casting. I've already auditioned for these guys, but, again, courtesy. I did get a call back, saying they already had me on file, and that I was welcome to update my online profile with them. Though evidently it doesn't get such wide exposure unless you pay to upgrade your profile or whatever.

3. Grant Wilfley Casting was something I never even heard of. But I heard they audition in Boston sometimes, despite being based in New York. I have no idea what their deal is, but I found 'em, so I was like, sure. Haven't heard anything.

4. Christine Wyse Casting. I've gotten four auditions from these guys for commercials and industrials. So, yeah, that's awesome. Haven't been cast yet, but this blog has taught to expect about one role out of every ten auditions. At the rate these guys have been going, I could get six more auditions soon...

1 headshot remains.